
Showing posts from June, 2024

Solo RPG Campaign - 5b. Thirty-four Bite-Size Halflings vs. Three Spidery Bois

This session was played in mid-March. Prior to session 5, I had rolled a random encounter for the Monsterous Attercop Lair I had discovered in session 4, and discovered that it had "encountered" ( been encountered by? ) a group of a few Bandits. Actually I rolled "Brigands" but when I when went to play out a quick battle, I misremembered what I had rolled, and looked up the stats for Bandits. At any rate, I made a few quick rolls to determine that the Bandits were easily overwhelmed. After  session 5, I determined that the Halfling Meet encountered on the way home was going to confront the Attercops, so I decided to play out this battle in lieu of a party adventure. The first thing I did was to roll a recon roll for the halflings, to see what kind of intel they would gather on the Attercops. From the PC party, they would have only learned of the presence of webbing, and might have expected giant spiders. The ACKS intel roll wasn't really designed for forces thi

Solo RPG Campaign - 5. Wight Out, Wandering, and A Warm Fireplace

I began play on 3/3/24, IRL and in-game. 2 days pass in-game, but as usual it takes me longer to play that that out-of-game. Day 1 (3/3/24) A new character has joined the party: Zephira , a Priestess (STR:13, INT:5, WIL:15, DEX:12, CON:12, CHA:14, "Medician" template). She fills my roster back out to 6 characters, and provides some healing capability after the loss of the BFRPG Dwarven Cleric, Grimace. I figured since last session I learned about ACKS's damage model, it was time to begin learning about ACKS's healing model. With the ACKS market limitations, there are limited quantities of healing herbs available in this market in any given month, but adding a new PC who already has healing herbs in their starting template... well, that's one way to circumvent the market limitations. The party travels to the shrine without an encounter. They avoid the Attercops ( aka Ettercaps ) lairing in their previous campsite, and spend the night at an alternate campsite witho